
Agri View: Trade with Cuba

DanAgri View, Trade

Trade with Cuba
Everett Griner talks about good, and bad, reasons to trade with Cuba in today’s Agri View.

Trade with Cuba

There is no doubt that expanding trade with Cuba would generate significant benefits for U.S. agriculture. Expansion has the support of farmers, economists, ag lenders, commodity groups and some members of Congress. It could ultimately arise to 800 million dollars a year and generate up to 5,000 new American jobs. There is already a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives but it has opposition. Those who are against the proposal say that it would be used a political fodder by the Communist politician and do very little to support the working class and you the farmer. But while only extend exports if only on a cash basis. That would seem to benefit both U.S. farmers and the Cuban people. And it would off a little support to the Castro regime. It is as complicated effort. But it will take a lot more time. So, we will just have to wait and see.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.