
Agri View: Tough Year

DanAgri View, Economy

tough net farm income
Everett Griner talks about a tough year ahead for farmers in today’s Agri View.

Tough Year

2017 isn’t likely to be a good year for farmers.

Market analysts are forecasting the yearly income level to be down again. This time the lowest in a decade. These up and down trends are common in agriculture.

So farmers are likely to be looking for ways to tighten up. Now one way is to back off purchasing new equipment. They will stretch the use of what they have another year. They will be buying replacement parts instead of new equipment. This isn’t new. It is a normal cycle.

On the positive side, when this happens, the market for used farm equipment picks up. Well can sales of used farm equipment attract bigger crowds and more buyers?

It is likely to be a year of cutting back on crop inputs. Save money any way you can. It is part of being a farmer.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.