Young pecan tree nuts growing on tree

Agri View: Top Tree Nuts

DanAgri View, Tree, nut & vine crops

Young pecan tree nuts growing on tree
Everett Griner talks about pecan becoming one of the top tree nuts in today’s Agri View.

Top Tree Nuts

For as long as anyone can recall, the tree nut industry has included almonds, pistachios and walnuts. And credit for production goes to California. Well now there is a fourth tree nut to be counted, pecans.

In the last three or four years, pecan production, harvest, sales and exports are nudging their way into the tree nut realm. The whole world is learning that they have flavor, texture and taste that went unnoticed for generations.

Pecans are not peculiar to any one state. They are grown commercially from Georgia all the way to California in our southern tiered states. Exports sales have made pecans one of the top four nuts in commercial production.

What most people don’t know is pecans were here before most of the others. Native Americans were the original growers.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner