talk wall

Agri View: Talk Continues on Effects of the Wall

DanAgri View, Trade

talk wallEverett Griner talks about how the wall will affect agriculture in today’s Agri View.




Well, talk continues about the wall. What is it going to cost? Estimates range from 8 billion to 25 billion dollars. Whatever the cost, constructing that wall is not the only thing that generates financial repercussions. Trade, especially farm trade. Sale of farm commodities like rice, corn, soybeans, and cotton could fall dramatically. Mexico is the top market for these commodities. Vietnam could supply the Mexico’s rice needs. It could be difficult to find enough of the other commodities. What is important is that the United States could very well lose them. Remember, the wall is not the only threat to U.S. farm trade. What about changing NAFTA? That would impact trade with Canada. But the wall. That is the main concern to farmers right now. Nobody knows how the wall would affect migrant labor.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…