
Agri View: Soybean Potential

DanAgri View

soybeanEverett Griner talks about soybean bushel per acre records in today’s Agri View.

Soybean Potential

Soybeans. One of our three largest crops. It is also one of the most widely grown crops. Midwest, southwest, southeast. It is a crop with a lot of possibilities. But, soybean harvestit has not reached its potential. Every farmer who grows soybeans wants to see 100 bushels per acre. I don’t know what the national average is, but it is substantially lower than that. Some individual farmers have reached 100 bushels per acre. But, it was mostly on small, experimental plots. They can’t do it on their entire crop. Well, researchers say it will happen. But, they will not speculate on time. It is pretty well accepted that the answer will not be more plants per acre. Nor fertilizer and labor. But, a plant that produces more pods and pods that produce more beans. Well, that is simple enough.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…