
Agri View: Slow Trade

DanAgri View, Trade

slow Trade with Cuba
Everett Griner talks about the U.S.-Cuba trade deal moving slow in today’s Agri View.

Slow Trade

Well it has been several months now since the U.S. agreed on that new trade deal with Cuba that U.S. farmers had hoped for. It was supposed to be a huge financial boost for the American farmer and do great wonders for the Cuban population. Well, it has done neither so far. What I recall reading specifically was more Cuban Rum and cigars coming in and more rice and more meat going out. They are getting more of our farm chemicals and some farm equipment but, well, farmers have seen little effort to load ships with farm goods. The problem appears some kind of administration glitch. On whose side? The story didn’t say. But I can tell you that U.S. farmers, especially those in the southeast, are anxiously awaiting some kind of action. Because, trade would be great for both countries, if we can ever get it started.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner