
Agri View: Rain, Rain Go Away

DanAgri View, Weather

Everett Griner talks about California drenched buy much needed rain in today’s Agri View.

Rain, Rain Go Away

The old adage, “careful what you might pray for, you might get it” could very well apply in California right now. Eight long years of drought are over for right now. I heard one official say “it’s over for now but it’s not over.” Roads look like rivers on my TV screen. Even places where crops had dried up and farmers had lost millions. It was yellow water and mud slides covering the countryside. One storm that moved in from the Pacific dropped eight inches of rain in one twenty-four hour cycle. A major lake was threatened by a spillway that washing out. I guess you saw most of that on your TV screen too. But any way you look at it, eight years of drought is enough for the richest farmland in the world. At least this year’s crops should get off to a good start.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.