
Agri View: Migrant Help

DanAgri View, Labor and Immigration

Everett Griner talks about the wide background of the migrant worker in today’s Agri View.

Migrant Help

When you hear the word “migrant worker” what nationality comes to your mind? The first one is probably Mexico. And, that is logical because you like to think first of agriculture and field work. But the facts are a large volume of migrant workers come from Vietnam, Somalia as well as Central America and South American countries. They fill in jobs in a wide range of occupations. Mostly in the low end of the salary range. But just like farming, they take the jobs that require long hours, hard work and low pay. Many of them bring with them children which are in need of education. They tend to live in small communities. And, they are not likely to make any social changes any time soon. But you know, it is a good thing we have these migrants because they serve our country well. Don’t you think so?

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.