little facts

Agri View: Little known Peanut Facts

DanAgri View

little facts
Everett Griner talks about little known facts about peanuts in today’s Agri View.

Little known Peanut Facts

It is a crop that most people know nothing about. It is an important crop to U.S. agriculture. I’m talking about the peanut. It is grown in a small region and has a huge market all over the world. Yes, it’s the most famous product, of course, is peanut butter. But there is a lot more than just a sandwich. Much of the crop is crushed for soil. Peanut oil is a common item in most homes. The crushed residue from producing oil is utilized for livestock feed. None wasted. We export peanuts to a lot of foreign countries. Very few people know this. A small number of farmers who grow peanuts produced harvested about three million tons of peanuts last year. And last year was not a good year. Too dry over most of the belt. Not a lot more I can tell you about the peanut. But it is a tasty food and it is an important crop. So you know more now than you did, don’t you?


That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.