Agri View: Labor Technology

DanAgri View, Labor and Immigration

Everett Griner talks about California producers looking to technology to help with the labor problem in today’s Agri View.

Labor Technology

Well it appears the fruit and vegetable growers in California major growing area are looking to technology to solve their labor problem. A group of growers had a meeting with high tech leaders to learn if there are ways to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs. One grower said his labor problems are as crystal as his water problems. Farm representatives have met with more than one Washington politician to try to get workable farm legislation introduced. But, according to an agriculture spokesman, nothing has been done. According to one if something isn’t done production is bound to begin falling. So, can technology solve a problem that Congress will not solve? If it will, we need more technology in Washington.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.

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