
Agri View: Growing Your Own Backyard Chickens

DanAgri View, Poultry

backyardHave you ever looked, or thought about some of the benefits of growing your own chickens. Everett Griner talks about backyard chickens becoming fashionable in today’s Agri View. He also gives you some of the benefits to raising chickens.

Growing Your Own Backyard Chickens

Hey, you need something to do to help you with your food bill, or you just need something to do. Raise your own chickens. No, I mean in the city.

salmonellaIt is something that is growing in popularity in most of the country. All you need is a little space in your yard. No, it isn’t bad for your land. It is good for it. It doesn’t cost a fortune. As a matter of fact, it has several benefits.

  • First, you save on the cost of eggs.
  • It gives you a new sense of being close to nature.
  • They can thrive on the food left oven from your table.
  • Lastly, they can reproduce on their own.

Some people even have chickens to sell. One rooster is all you need, and he will see that you don’t oversleep in the morning.

Some personal advice. If your neighbor has dogs, forget about it.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…