georgia citrus farming

Agri View: Georgia Citrus Expanding Thanks to Research

DanAgri View, Citrus, Research

georgia citrus farmingEverett Griner talks about citrus farming in Georgia expanding in today’s Agri View. Everett explains what research has done for Georgia citrus.

You know, many people thought that citrus business in Georgia was a temporary thing that would soon go away. They don’t think that anymore. Not with the research, and the diversity, and the growth, that is taking place. The research is in the developing a variety that will do well. That research is well underway.

Citrus production doubled in 2017. It looks just as promising for this year. Already there is as growing amount of production of citrus byproducts. Look what is is doing for irrigation companies. Those who are already in citrus farming are expanding. One grower has doubled his acreage from last year. Most of the citrus is grown in the Southern part of the state, and along the coastal areas. That region has a milder climate.

It looks like Georgia farmers have done what they all do. They have found a new crop to grow.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…