food consumption

Agri View: Consumption Factors

DanAgri View, Vegetables

food consumption factors
Everett Griner talks about some factors involved in what food you choose to eat in today’s Agri View.

Food Consumption Factors

I told you recently that statistics show that the consumption of vegetables is declining. One of the contributing factors is that the whole world is eating pure potatoes. Well now I’m reading that households with higher income and more education are eating more vegetables than households with lower income and less education.

There may be statistics to back that up but I have some reservations. A person goes grocery shopping with a written list or a mental knowledge of what the family likes, or dislikes, and how much to buy. Income may limit how much a family spends on a certain food but I doubt education does.

Everybody pays the same price at the checkout counter. And where do those that grow their own fit in?

That’s Agri view for today. I’m Everett Griner