
Agri View: Food Assistance

DanAgri View

food assistance
Everett Griner talks about the 15 different food assistance programs available through USDA in today’s Agri View.

Food Assistance

One statistic I saw showed one in three children in the world do not get sufficient nutrition to sustain good health. It is not just poor countries. Millions right here in America fall in that category. What keep the U.S. from sinking is the USDA fifteen various food assistance programs. I didn’t know there was that many but I did know that SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, covers about 75 percent of those who receive help. Because of the number of ways by which one qualifies. Age, disability, education, nutrition and employment are just a few. There are many retail food stores, from mom and pop operations to major supermarkets, who do not honor SNAP services. But it is a fact that SNAP feeds millions who otherwise would go hungry.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner