2017-Farmer's Almanac

Agri View: Farmer’s Almanac

DanAgri View

2017-Farmer's Almanac
Everett Griner talks about the Farmer’s Almanac and what it does for producers in today’s Agri View.

Farmer’s Almanac

Well the 2017 issue of the Old Farmer’s Almanac will be on the stands pretty soon. Although some look forward to it religiously, it’s not the same as it once was. I still buy it and I plant my spring garden on the days it recommended.

When a plant or seed goes into the ground is important. Most farmers today don’t plant by the zodiac signs. A century ago they all did. No planting was done until the signs were right. The Old farmer’s Almanac Long Range Weather Forecast was just about as accurate as today’s modern means of forecasting and the publication still has helpful and time saving information for the women in the family.

You don’t believe me? Buy yourself a copy and try it yourself. You’ll see it makes a difference in plant production.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.