
Agri View: What is a Farmer?

DanAgri View, General

Farmer Looking At Crop Everett Griner talks about the concept of the farmer in today’s Agri View.

What is a Farmer?

You know to most of us the term farmers refers to a men who works large acres of land to produce food and fiber to fill our needs. Well that is not necessarily true anymore. The term farmer can be applied to someone who owns very little land or even none at all. See there is a number of people who grow food in water. In tanks, pipes, tubes, I don’t know what all. It’s called hydroponic farming. The roots dangle in the water. The nutrients are fed to the roots in liquid form. Ultimately a crop is produced. The system is growing in acceptance because the food it produces is considered healthier. It is easy to understand why, but, I haven’t seen any scientific proof yet. So, I will stick with the original. A farmer is a man who works the land.

That’s Agri View for today, I’m Everett Griner.