georgia citrus

Agri View: Expanding Citrus in Georgia

DanAgri View, Citrus

expanding Georgia citrus satsuma
Everett Griner talks about Georgia growers expanding citrus acres in today’s Agri View.

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Look at this. While Florida farmers are trying to save their citrus industry from the imported insect and disease problem, farmers in South Georgia are expanding the acreage of citrus fruit grown across the state line. Now to be sure, Georgia growers are not challenging their southern neighbors. But citrus acreage is expandngexpanding in the peach state. It is not your typical Florida citrus though. It is mostly Satsuma oranges, tangerines and lemons. Plantings are something like 130 acres. Mostly in three small counties. But there is already a Georgia Citrus Growers Association working to promote the citrus industry in Georgia. It is simply another effort for farmers experimenting to see if they can grow something else besides peanuts and cotton. Yes, they will have to deal with greening in their crops.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.