duck eggs

Agri View: Duck Eggs

DanAgri View, Poultry

duck eggs
Everett Griner talks about the use and demand for duck eggs increasing in today’s Agri View.

Duck Eggs

Now I have spent most of my time this week talking how farming is changing. One reason is people are looking for, and buying, new and different kinds of foods. A friend of mine told me about a man and produces, and sells, duck eggs. Since he started the man has exceeded production. This is not your average duck though. It is a duck bred for laying purposes. Sales are strong because duck eggs improve the taste. They are more favorable than hen eggs. I specifically ask, how? In your favorite recipe or scrambled with bacon and toast. Now if you are lucky you may find duck eggs for sale where you live. Not where I live, but I am looking. I won’t be satisfied until I have tasted something made with a duck egg. Better yet, a couple soft-scrambled with a hunk of country ham and a biscuit.

That’s Agri View for today, I’m Everett Griner.