farm politics

Agri View: A Look at Current Farm Politics

DanAgri View, Corn, Energy, Trade

farThere have been several things going on lately in the political world dealing with agriculture. Everett Griner talks about farm politics in today’s Agri View.

A Look at Current Farm Politics

The farm block vote was one of Donald Trump’s strongest groups in the last Presidential election. Farmers stood solidly behind his election. Recent issues that have direct impact on all of agriculture may soon change that.

What he has done to NAFTA has had heavy impact on farm trade with both Canada and Mexico. NAFTA was one of the best trade efforts farmers had before Trump disabled it. The steel-aluminum deal has not made things any better.

Farmers are now concerned over the future of the corn-based ethanol. President Trump, publicly, has tweeted his support for agriculture. Yet, what he has done is give farmers a different view.

At least 18 farm organization have signed a letter asking for a second look at what he has done to agriculture.

Only time will tell.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…