Cotton combine harvesting field

Agri View: Cotton Picking

DanAgri View, Cotton

Cotton picking combine harvesting field
Everett Griner talks about cotton picking, imports and exports in today’s Agri View.

Cotton Picking

Well, cotton picking has begun but pickings will be kind of slim in some places this year. Mostly because of lack of rainfall across the Southeast. Farmers didn’t plant as much this year. The smaller acreage is because of lower process. That very well could change by next year. The reason is China is expected to dramatically increase their cotton imports. She has not been to strong recently. China is one of the world’s biggest users of cotton. But they had built huge reserves over the last few years. Plus the fact that their own crop had been better than average. Well this year’s crop in China was some two million acres less than in recent years. Now with textile markets showing strength it is only reasonable to expect a rise in imports. All of this has an impact on our cotton production in this country. So it looks good for cotton farmers.

That’s Agri View for today, I’m Everett Griner.