
Agri View: Changes Expected

DanAgri View, Trade

nafta changes
Everett Griner talks about agriculture trade will see changes in today’s Agri View.

Changes Expected

Farm organizations are waiting to see what the new administration’s posture on agriculture is going to be. Mr. Trump has had very little to say about agriculture directly. You can expect some, perhaps a great deal, of rhetoric on international trade. With issues like NAFTA, that’s the North American Free Trade Agreement, covers all trade. Not just farm trade. Farm organizations have always maintained that U.S. farmers don’t get a fair deal with NAFTA. And as China’s population continues to increase and its economic status the Chinese government will seek better trade deals with everybody. Especially the United States. Meanwhile, in Washington the national political face of agriculture is going to change. A new Agriculture Committee Chairman plus several new faces on the standing committee. I’d expect next year to be quite different for all of agriculture.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.