
Agri View: Cellular Agriculture

DanAgri View, Technology

Everett Griner talks about some good reasons for cellular agriculture in today’s Agri View.

Download Cellular Agriculture

I believe this is the first time I have read about cellular agriculture. It isn’t likely to be the last. Cellular agriculture. That is producing food with cells instead of plants and animals. Yes, you did hear me say producing food without plants and animals. Science is working on it right now. There are several reasons. First it would be better for the environment. It would help eliminate health issues. And there would be much fewer problems with food illnesses. Did I mention it would help feed a growing world population? One thing not mentioned in my information is, animal haters, who would like to see farmers stop producing meat. Would be able to know what the taste of bacon is like. Might even enjoy a grilled steak. That is cellular agriculture.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.