farm bill

Agreement Reached in Principle on 2018 Farm Bill

DanFarm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

farm billHouse and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairmen Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and Pat Roberts (R- Kan.) and Ranking Members Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) made the following announcement on the state of 2018 Farm Bill negotiations:

“We’re pleased to announce that we’ve reached an agreement in principle on the 2018 Farm Bill. We are working to finalize legal and report language as well as CBO scores, but we still have more work to do. We are committed to delivering a new farm bill to America as quickly as possible.”

Here is Senate Ag Chair Pat Roberts.

Pat Roberts

But, with just two scheduled-weeks left in the session, Roberts said the Congressional Budget Office must still score the bill’s cost.

Top Senate Ag Democrat and farm bill negotiator Debbie Stabenow had this to say.

Debbie Stabenow

But the farm bill is competing for time against other last-minute bills and the president’s continuing threat of a partial government shutdown over border wall funding.

Source: House Committee on Agriculture

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