Ag Warriors Connects Veterans to Ag Industry

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Dairy Center
Ag Net West is at the World Ag Expo in Tulare this week, where a special program connects military veterans with the agriculture industry. Sabrina Hill reports.
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It’s called the ag warriors program, and it made its debut last year. This year, several exhibitors are hosting Ag Warrior interns who will learn about career opportunities in the agriculture industry. Interns will shadow sales teams, help with booth setup and tear down, give site tours and help staff exhibit space. In partnership with College of the Sequoias, the interns attended workshops to prepare for their internships. Topics included communication, goal setting, interviews and presentations. Ten interns are taking part in the opportunity this week. They come from three California colleges – College of the Sequoias; California State University, Chico and Porterville College.