
Ag Secretary Vilsack a Potential VP Candidate

DanGeneral, Industry News Release



Several recent media reports said USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is among a handful of candidates being considered as a potential nominee for Vice President and running mate for Hillary Clinton on the Democratic ticket.

During an interview on NBC, Vilsack said, “Trump is to politics what Bernie Madoff was to investment. He’s selling something the public doesn’t fully appreciate and understand.” Politico Reports the biggest shortcoming for the former Iowa Governor as a candidate might be a lack of foreign policy experience. His response was, “Here’s what I know about foreign policy:  The United States must be at the center of every problem globally. We must lead. I understand that.” Vilsack told NBC he’s happy to talk about all aspects of government. In his words, he told NBC to “bring it on.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.