
Ag Exports Key to Trump NAFTA Deficit Strategy

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

exportsSenate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts says agricultural exports are key to achieving President Donald Trump’s plan for reducing the trade deficit with NAFTA members.

The White House says more ag exports into Canada and Mexico through the North American Free Trade Agreement will help reduce the trade deficit, and Senator Roberts agrees.

exportsRoberts spoke with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer last week, saying he indicated “the best way for our trading partners to buy down the deficit is to buy U.S. agricultural products,” according to Politico. Roberts says that Lighthizer “made that very clear” that the administration seeks to increase ag exports. Roberts says the administration needs to have its chief agricultural negotiator at the table.
Gregg Doud’s nomination is awaiting Senate confirmation.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.