
Details on the Administration’s Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2020

DanEconomy, Funding, Legislative


Ag groups are asking for cuts in the budget proposal for fiscal year 2020 be reconsidered.  The budget proposes significant cuts to several safety net programs, as well as narrowing eligibility requirements for the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs.

“These and other harmful recommendations are being put forward just a few months after the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law that provides certainty on these programs for the five-year timeframe of the new farm bill,” said Vice President of Washington Operations for the National Cotton Council, Reece Langley.  “Commodity and general farm organizations are pushing back strongly against these proposed budget cuts and that included sending a letter last week that was signed by over 200 organizations both national, state and regional groups within agriculture.”

The letter was sent to the House and Senate budget committees to hopefully ensure the full funding allotment remains available for the programs with proposed cuts.  Langley noted his optimism in the programs receiving the necessary funding but noted the importance of voicing concern regarding the proposed cuts.  “We have to remain diligent and point out the problems and concerns with some of these proposed reductions that are not realistic especially in this time of great economic uncertainty and depressed commodity prices and also the ongoing issues on the trade front and the impact of retaliatory tariffs,” Langley said.

Details on the Administration’s Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2020
About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West