Add Almonds to Meals for Weight Control, Vitamin E

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

There’s another reason to add almonds to meals whenever you can. Sabrina Hill reports.
Click to open or download audio report.

Manager of Global Health and Nutrition Communications for the Almond Board of California Jenny Heap says the Almond Board is excited about a new study by Purdue University that found almonds helped pre-diabetics maintain their blood sugar without adding weight. But, she says, that’s not all. The report also found that almonds are an excellent way to get vitamin E into your diet.

For her full comments, listen to the audio report above.

Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away, and there are plenty of ways to slip almonds into your Thanksgiving feast. Here are a few recipes.

Fruit of the Day Cobbler with Cinnamon Almond Topping

Fruit of the Day Cobbler with Cinnamon Almond Topping

Curried Carrot Soup with Roasted Almonds

Curried Carrot Soup with Roasted Almonds

Almond Crusted Pumpkin Cheese Pie

Almond Crusted Pumpkin Cheese Pie