Planning a disease prevention program for costly tomato diseases requires careful consideration of active ingredients and appropriate rates. Because the risk of disease is always present for tomato growers, it’s essential for them to have a proven, go-to fungicide that combines both preventive and curative activity for disease control.
Rhyme® fungicide provides this preventative and curative activity for fast action against diseases. It can be applied to the soil via drip irrigation or by foliar application. Depending on the application method, it can provide control of powdery mildew, anthracnose, target spot, black mold, early blight and charcoal rot. Rhyme fungicide leverages the most systemic triazole on the market to provide protection from root to fruit.
This systemic triazole is flutriafol, the active ingredient in Rhyme fungicide. Once applied, plant tissues rapidly absorb it. Its rapid movement through the xylem helps to protect the whole plant from tough diseases, including new shoots and leaves. This keeps diseases like powdery mildew, early blight and other fungal pathogens out of the canopy and prevents their spread to developing fruit. Quick penetration into plant tissues also allows for rapid movement to the sites of established infections, taking down tough diseases to protect yields.
In research, Rhyme fungicide has proven its efficacy against tomato diseases when compared to competitive programs. In a 2016 study conducted by University of California Extension, Rhyme fungicide was used in a drip irrigation protocol for the control of powdery mildew. Other tested treatments included a 25 lb./A sulfur dust treatment with a 14-day retreatment interval; Velum® One fungicide applied via drip at a rate of 6.8 fl. oz./A six weeks after transplanting; Velum One fungicide application via drip at the same rate combined with a 25 lb./A sulfur dust application; and lastly a Velum One fungicide treatment applied via drip at the same rate but applied at six and 10 weeks after transplanting. Rhyme fungicide was applied at a 7 fl. oz./A rate via drip six and 10 weeks after transplant.
Rhyme fungicide showed the lowest percentage of affected foliage when compared to the other treatments tested at this location. Less than 5% of foliage showed the impact of powdery mildew in the Rhyme fungicide treatment. Each of the other treatments had between 20-30% of foliage showing signs of powdery mildew. The untreated check had nearly 65% of foliage showing signs. You can see the data compared on page two of this Rhyme fungicide fact sheet.
Rhyme fungicide is labeled for use in drip irrigation systems, giving you the convenience of application and confidence of knowing your tomatoes are always protected. It can also be tank mixed with other fungicides, insecticides and other additives when all products are used according to label. Rhyme fungicide can also be used for foliar application and is rainfast within two hours.
The unique attributes and application flexibility of Rhyme fungicide make it an excellent foundational fungicide. Rhyme fungicide’s proven efficacy makes it a preferred rotational fungicide to optimize crop protection programs, protect yields and preserve other crop protection fungicide modes of action.
To learn more about Rhyme fungicide from FMC, visit FMCAgUS.com/Rhyme.
Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. FMC, the FMC logo and Rhyme are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. Velum One is a trademark of Bayer CropScience. ©2019 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 19-FMC-2462 12/19