ACP Treatment Areas Key for HLB Fight

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Pest Update

treatment areas

Courtesy: UC ANR

California citrus growers have been forming ACP treatment areas for some time and Florida growers shared the importance of that communication in controlling Asian citrus psyllids (ACP).

ACP Treatment Areas Key

Florida grower Rick Freeman shared his huanglongbing (HLB) experience with California growers at California Citrus Mutual’s Citrus Showcase and talked about what he would do differently if he had the chance. Freeman said he would have talked with his neighbors more and put together a plan to spray their area as a whole for ACP.

The Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program has been assisting California growers in regions around the state for some time by organizing them into areas and introducing them to grower liaisons for their regions.

Freeman said growers in South Florida have gotten together and contracted a fleet of planes to spray the region for ACP in one day, and it seems to be helping. He said if he could do it again, he would have forced the communication with his neighbors, and if they would have decided not to spray, he would have done it for them.

More about Area-wide Treatments
From Area-wide management is a strategy where growers in a specific area coordinate management efforts to maximize the impact on psyllid populations. Researchers with University of California, industry leaders, and personnel with the Citrus Research Board and California Citrus Mutual, have developed a program to help growers implement area-wide management. Should the psyllid become established, this area-wide management method can provide the utmost protection. This tried-and-true process has been effectively implemented in Florida to help manage Asian citrus psyllid populations and here in California to manage the glassy-winged sharpshooter. Coordinated management activities provide the maximum impact on psyllid populations – it is imperative neighboring growers work together. Read more at