
Almond Update: Off-Ground Harvest a Stepwise Process Already in Motion

Brian GermanAlmond Update

Off-Ground Harvest

Almond grower dollars have been going into dust reduction research for over 15 years. That research now includes off-ground harvesting, which the Almond Board of California (ABC) believes is an intricate part of their Almond Orchard 2025 goals. ABC’s Sebastian Saa said they look at off-ground harvest as a stepwise process, and dust reduction research has produced substantial progress in the practice and other incentive programs for the industry. 

Listen to Saa’s full interview.

Almond Update: Off-Ground Harvest a Stepwise Process Already in Motion

Find all of ABC’s dust reduction tools at and learn more about incentive programs that help upgrade equipment to low-dust technology.

About the Author

Taylor Hillman