thanksgiving meal

Agri View: Holiday Traditions

Dan Agri View

original holiday traditions
Everett Griner talks about our original holiday of traditions in today’s Agri View.

Original Holiday Traditions

Thanksgiving, the original American holiday. Thanksgiving started the idea of traditional food. Turkey and dressing. A hundred years ago you didn’t properly honor the holiday unless you served turkey and dressing. Some families would consume the entire turkey and the dressing that same day. Of course others would serve leftovers for a week or longer. I just told you that to remind you that Thanksgiving 2016 is just a few weeks ahead. And to assure you that there will be no shortage of turkeys this year. And it will cost you just about the same as last year. And Even if you shop early the birds you buy, if it is frozen, will likely be one that was grown last year. That is another thing that become traditional. And it is necessary for our turkey farmers. Don’t forget two other traditions. Sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. Happy holiday!

That’s Agri View for today, I’m Everett Griner.