Weekly Crop Update

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Peach orchardHow are crops around California doing this week? Sabrina Hill checks in.

Crop Update for Week of June 11

In fruit crops:
Apple growers sprayed for coddling moths. Grape growers continued to thin and tip bunches, train vines, and thin leaves to allow sunlight and airflow. Asian pear fruit increased in size and began to color. Olive and pomegranate fruit was increasing in size. Cherry harvest was slowing. Apricots, nectarines, peaches, and plums were harvested.

In nut crops:
Almond growers were preparing to apply hull split sprays. Hull split is expected to begin earlier than normal. Walnut growers set out husk fly traps and monitored for coddling moths. Pistachio nuts continued to develop.

Vegetables around the state:
In Fresno and Merced Counties, tomatoes for processing are progressing rapidly with a good crop reported. An early start to the processing tomato harvest is anticipated. In Sutter and Stanislaus Counties, the harvest continued for radishes, broccoli, onions, garlic and other vegetables to be sold at farmer’s markets. In Imperial County the harvest continues for sweet corn, melons, and watermelon.