VofV: Navigating Climate Change – A Guide on How to Use Technology to Foster Climate-Resilient Agriculture

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Podcasts, Technology


This episode of the Voices of the Valley podcast is brought to you today by the Western Growers Association. Supporting producers that grow the best medicine in the world. Find out more at WGA.com.

As the labor shortage in agriculture worsens and farmers struggle to get their crops harvested, are today’s Mariana Vasconcelos, an agtech prodigy who started her ag data company Agrosmart when she was 23 years old, provides a look into how the digital revolution is accelerating a cultural shift in agriculture globally. As climate change leads to increased periods of drought and farmers have lower margins for error, she shares the steps needed for adopting more tech on the farm to create a more productive and sustainable agriculture. She also speaks about how the development of agtech is a powerful solution to succession in farming – especially in a world where the industry is facing increasing regulations and is being asked to produce more food with less natural resources.