USDA/NRCS Video: California Soil Health Partnership

DanEnvironment, General, Industry News Release, Industry Videos-Promoting Agriculture, Soil

USDA/NRCS Soil Health videos featuring California farmers. The fourth of this series it titled:
Jesse Sanchez Profile in Soil Health

Some people want to build better mousetraps. Jesse Sanchez wants to build better soil.

It’s been his goal, his passion, for a long, long time.

More than 20 years ago, when he was an employee of Sano Farms in Firebaugh, Calif., Sanchez asked his boss if he could experiment with cover crops (crops that keep cropland “covered” between the time a “cash crop” is harvested and the next one is planted) to see if they would improve the lower-producing areas of their fields.

But his boss said “no.” He didn’t believe cover crops would make a difference.

Undaunted, Sanchez continued pitching his idea until his boss finally acquiesced, allowing him to plant cover crops in one field. After just one season of cover cropping, Sanchez said the next cash crop was a thing of beauty – the crops were uniform, healthy and abundant.

Other California NRCS videos in this series:

Productive agriculture, Healthy environment, Sustainable future.
Scott Park Profile in Soil Health
Fritz Durst Profile in Soil Health