USDA/NRCS Video: California Soil Health Partnership

DanEnvironment, General, Industry News Release, Industry Videos-Promoting Agriculture, Soil

USDA/NRCS Soil Health videos featuring California farmers. The third of this series it titled:
Fritz Durst Profile in Soil Health

Fritz Durst’s has a holistic approach to farming. But that wasn’t always the case. “I used to just look at the plant itself, what does a plant need to grow,” he says. But today, Durst looks at many different things. “I look at myself, my family, my employees and my number one focus today besides employees is my soil. If I give to my soil, my soil will give back to me,” he says.

Other California NRCS videos in this series:

Productive agriculture, Healthy environment, Sustainable future.
Scott Park Profile in Soil Health