Tulare County 2014 Crop Report Released

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Marilyn Kinoshita, Tulare County Ag Commissioner

Marilyn Kinoshita

How did the nation’s top agriculture county do last year? The 2014 Tulare County Crop Report is out. Sabrina Hill has more with Tulare County Ag Commissioner Marilyn Kinoshita.

Tulare Crop Report

Tulare County Agriculture Commissioner Marilyn Kinoshita released the county’s 2014 crop report Tuesday. The report shows the county’s numbers are even higher than they were last year – when Tulare booted Fresno County out of the “number one in the nation” spot. Meanwhile, Fresno County Ag Commissioner Les Wright is set to release his crop report later this month. It is expected the drought has decreased some crops for the 2014 crop year, which would keep Tulare County secure in its top spot. However, Fresno County has some high value crops, such as almonds and other tree nuts, which will help boost its numbers. Kinoshita points out Kern County has yet to release its report, and also remains in the running for the leading county.

To view the report, visit the Tulare County Ag Commissioner’s webpage here.