The Western View: Connecting Farmers

Taylor HillmanFeatures, Technology, Western View

Close Up Of Farmer Using Digital Tablet On Organic Farm
There’s a new place to hang out online, and it’s just for people involved in agriculture. It’s call and is a free social media tool created specifically to connect farmers and the agricultural community with one another.

The Western View: Connecting Farmers

South Carolina farmer Patrick Rogers wanted a way that farmers and the farm community can interact, share ideas, tips, research, product information and more. He came up with AgFuse when he realized that, compared to other professions, farmers work alone, separated from their peers, and a new way to connect might be beneficial.

“In most cases, we’re pretty spread out, living in rural areas,” he said, “and while considering that a light bulb came on – we could create a platform we could use to connect or stay in touch with other growers or people in ag support industries.”

AgFuse began with a soft launch, and a few hundred people signed up very quickly. The network has been growing rapidly.

“Its been very interesting all the different places and different kinds of farmers we’ve had sign up,” he said.

The site is growing quickly, and he has big hopes for the future. He wants to grow it into a valuable resource for farmers around the country.

So drop by, and we’ll see you there. Connect with us on AgFuse!

I’m Len Wilcox and that’s the Western View from AgNet West.