…the future of psyllid control. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the current issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by and…
Citrus Industry E-news: Citrus Survival
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry E-news Exclusive includes a discussion on possible future methods of sustaining citrus in the face of HLB. Want to learn more? Click here…
New Edition of the Citrus Expo E-news Available
California citrus growers are encouraged to attend the World’s Premier Citrus Expo on August 14-15 in Fort Myers, Florida. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the…
Citrus Industry E-news: New Peace River Plantings; Block Management
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry E-news Exclusive includes an update on new plantings at Peace River Citrus Products, a report from Southern Gardens Citrus on block management, and…
Funding for Fairs to be Discussed
…and productive part of our local communities.” California’s fair network consists of 80 fair organizations, including District Agricultural Associations, citrus fruit fairs, other local fairs, and the California State Fair….
Citrus Expo E-newsletter: Top 5 Reasons to Pre-register
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter outlines the top 5 reasons to pre-register for the event. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the current…
Citrus Industry E-news: Research and Citrus Economics
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry E-news Exclusive has lots of timely news and a report on how research may turn bad citrus economics around. Want to learn more?…
Citrus Expo E-newsletter: Complete Seminar Schedule; Neem Giveaway
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes a link to the complete seminar schedule and details on an exhibitor giveaway. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe…
Restrictions Lifted for Asian Citrus Psyllid in Tulare
…HLB in local citrus trees, they are asked to please call CDFA’s toll-free pest hotline at 1-800-491-1899. For more information on the Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing, please visit: http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/acp/…
Paramount Introduces “Wonderful Halos”
Paramount Citrus has renamed its popular “Cuties” mandarins to Wonderful Halos. Paramount lost the right to the Cuties name to Sun Pacific when the two citrus companies dissolved their nearly…
Citrus Industry E-news: Nutrition; Fruit Drop; Black Spot; Crop Forecast
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry E-news Exclusive includes the latest citrus crop forecast, an update on black spot and a report on nutrition and fruit drop. Want to…
Citrus Expo E-newsletter: New Nighttime Event; Speaker Updates
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes details on the all-new Citrus Expo After-Dinner Chill and speaker updates for the seminars and Gulf Citrus Industry Banquet. Want to…
Push for Citrus in Farm Bill
Just before the senate passed its version of the farm bill Monday, Senator Bill Nelson of Florida spoke up on behalf of all citrus growers, including those in California. Cindy…
New Citrus Variety Developed
Citrus lovers rejoice: There’s a new variety about to hit shelves. Sabrina Hill has details. Click to open or download audio report. What do you get when you mix pummelo,…