…courses include emerging postharvest technologies, a citrus postharvest pest control conference, and fresh produce marketing strategies. The training takes between one and four years. People who attended one of the…
Citrus Industry E-news: Citrus Expo Reports
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive from Florida includes more reports from Citrus Expo. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the current e-news…
Citrus Expo E-news: Photos, Videos and Reports
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes links to slideshows, videos and reports from last week’s Citrus Expo in Florida. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe…
California Agriculture Headlines
Sabrina Hill wraps up some of this week’s California agriculture news, including this year’s grape crop and a new way to fight the Asian citrus psyllid. Click to Open or…
Huff Applauds Quick CDFA Action in Response to Citrus Pest
…citrus and stone fruit trees and remove and destroy the fruit before this pest can spread. Nobody wants a repeat of the spraying that took place to control the Mediterranean…
AgNeTVideo: Citrus Expo 2013 Prize Winners Announced
There were prize winners announced Thursday during Citrus Expo 2013 at the Lee Civic Center in Ft. Myers, Florida. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by and…
Citrus Expo FFA Fundraiser Winners
As part of a fundraising effort for the Florida FFA Association, two Citrus Expo attendees who donated to the cause took home big prizes. Dan Lewis of Albritton Groves won…
AgNeTVideo: Citrus Expo 2013-Tuesday Night Exhibitor Reception
Everyone enjoyed relaxing and having a good meal. The FFA officers were on hand selling raffle tickets for prizes to be awarded Thursday during the expo. Citrus Expo online coverage…
AgNet West E-news: Citrus Expo; Crop Report and Revenues; Dairy Tours
This week’s issue of the AgNet West E-news includes videos from the Citrus Expo, crop report and revenue information and more. Click here to view the current issue….
Citrus Industry E-news: Special Citrus Expo Edition
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive from Florida includes coverage and videos from the first day of Citrus Expo. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe…
The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug- Top Invasive Pest in the U.S.
This one affects a variety of fruits and vegetables, including apples, peaches, figs, citrus, tomatoes, peppers and others. The U.S. National Institute of Food and Agriculture Administrator Sonny Ramaswamy says…
Citrus Expo Big Focus on the Asian Citrus Psyllid
We’re at the Citrus Expo in North Fort Myers Florida this week, where there’s a big focus on the Asian Citrus Psyllid and Huanglongbing disease. Sabrina hill has more from…
Citrus Expo 2013: Wellmark
…about their fire ant bait, the two types available, and their differences. To learn more and visit the Wellmark® website, please click here. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by and…
AgNeTVideo: Citrus Expo 2013-Scent Worx
…and isolation of citrus canker and HLB. To learn more about Scent Worx and their canker detection visit their website by clicking here. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by and…