…disease has only been found in one tree in this state, however there have been several findings of the psyllid. This is the third time the Asian citrus psyllid has…
Citrus Industry E-news: Pesticide Exposure to Bees; Canker Management
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry E-news Exclusive from Florida includes a preview of an upcoming meeting between citrus growers and beekeepers as well as an update on canker…
Citrus Expo E-news: Prize Winners
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter from Florida includes a recap of all of the major prize winners from the show. Want to learn more? Click here to…
Citrus Industry E-news: Snively on HLB; New Citrus Growers List
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry E-news Exclusive includes a grower report from Citrus Expo and details on a new citrus growers list. Want to learn more? Click here…
Citrus Roundtable Planned
…at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center in Exeter. Discussions will include Fuller Rose beetle biology and control, an update on the Asian citrus psyllid in Tulare, Fresno and Madera…
California Agriculture Headlines
…members of the California Citrus Research Board were in Florida this week to talk with the Citrus Research and Development Foundation in Florida about ways they could coordinate in the…
Citrus Industry E-news: Psyllid Control; Fast Track Deadline
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive from Florida includes a report from Citrus Expo on psyllid control for young trees and details on upcoming Fast Track program…
Citrus Expo E-news: Short-Term HLB Efforts; More Videos and Photos
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes a report from the show on short-term HLB efforts as well as new videos and photos from the event. Want to…
AgNeTVideo: Florida State FFA President Megan Stein at Citrus Expo
Florida state FFA President Megan Stein interviews several people at the Citrus Expo. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by and…
AgNeTVideo: Citrus Expo 2013-Behind the Scenes
…Citrus Expo 2013 from the start of setup on Monday morning until after the expo finished on Thursday. We hope you enjoy it. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by and…
Certificate Program for Produce Professionals
…courses include emerging postharvest technologies, a citrus postharvest pest control conference, and fresh produce marketing strategies. The training takes between one and four years. People who attended one of the…
Citrus Industry E-news: Citrus Expo Reports
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive from Florida includes more reports from Citrus Expo. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the current e-news…
Citrus Expo E-news: Photos, Videos and Reports
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes links to slideshows, videos and reports from last week’s Citrus Expo in Florida. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe…
California Agriculture Headlines
Sabrina Hill wraps up some of this week’s California agriculture news, including this year’s grape crop and a new way to fight the Asian citrus psyllid. Click to Open or…