…wheat silage are still the best forages for his milking herd. Over the years, he’s made use of alternative feeds such as culled fruits and vegetables, including citrus, pomegranates, peaches,…
Biological Tool in Fight Against Citrus Disease HLB
…the Asian citrus psyllid and the citrus disease it can spread, Huanglongbing. Researcher Brian Taylor of the California Citrus Research Board explains. Check out the California Citrus Rersearch Board website….
Citrus Industry This Week: Biological Psyllid Control; Crop Forecast
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes a report from Florida Ag Commissioner Adam Putnam, information on biological control of citrus psyllids and the latest crop forecast. Want to…
ACP Quarantine Area Grows
California’s quarantine area for the Asian citrus psyllid had grown once again. Sabrina Hill has the areas now affected by this new quarantine. Listen to the report….
No Change in USDA Citrus Crop Forecast for California
…were slight changes for grapefruit, tangerines and the yield projections for Valencia as well as non Valencia orange yield. 02-10-14 USDA citrus crop forecast The next USDA citrus crop forecast…
Asian Citrus Psyllid Quarantine Expands in Tulare County
…think they may have seen the Asian citrus psyllid are urged to call CDFA’s Pest Hotline at 1-800-491-1899. For more information on the Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing disease, please…
AgNet West e-News: USDA Funds for CA; Irrigation During Drought; Citrus Report
This week’s issue of the AgNet West e-News includes information on USDA funds for California; Irrigation during drought; and the citrus report. Click here to view the current issue….
Citrus Damage Estimates to Come
Although the drought has been making the most news lately, citrus growers are still figuring their losses from December’s deep freeze. CLICK HERE to listen to this report. You can…
Citrus Industry This Week: Nursery Tree Supply; Spending $125 Million
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes a report on Florida’s nursery tree supply and thoughts on how to spend the $125 million in funding for citrus research. Want…
Freeze Impact on California Citrus Crop
Damage estimates from California and an upcoming USDA forecast will clarify the amount of freeze damage to much the California citrus crop. Click here to listen to the report….
Citrus Industry This Week: $125 Million for Citrus Research; Young Trees
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes a report on a big financial boost for citrus research and information on getting young trees into production. Want to…
Citrus Industry This Week: Number of Psyllid Sprays; Citrus Sales Slump
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes information on how many times to spray for psyllids per year and a report from the Florida Department of Citrus…
Will Cold Spell Affect Pest Populations?
…Coast areas may see lighter pest pressure. The freeze was a big problem for citrus growers. And a big pest problem for growers is the Asian citrus psyllid. It’s not…
Advice on Spraying for ACP
California citrus growers can learn from Florida growers on managing Asian Citrus Psyllid. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…