Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes a summary of a grower forum on HLB as well as grower reports on price concerns and tree conditions. Want…
More Areas Considering County-Wide Psyllid Quarantines
San Luis Obispo might be the next area to go to a county-wide quarantine for the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). County-Wide Psyllid Quarantines The Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program…
Easy Ways to Help Psyllid Management
Experts are asking citrus growers for a couple specific operations when it comes to Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) area-wide treatments. Easy Ways to Help Grower Liaison Statewide Coordinator Bob Atkins…
Participation Critical for Psyllid Treatments
Asian citrus psyllid area-wide treatments are only effective with high grower participation. Participation Critical for Psyllid Treatments ACP area wide treatment meetings are going on around the state. The point…
Citrus Industry This Week: Citrus Nutrition Keys; Grower on Land Values
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes the “four Rs” of citrus nutrition and a grower’s viewpoint on land values. Want to learn more? Click here to…
Asian Citrus Psyllid Detected in Hollister
…program in response to the detection of one Asian citrus psyllid in the city of Hollister in San Benito County. Adult Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. Photograph by Douglas…
False Huanglongbing Report in Central Valley
…results came back negative. The tree has been treated to remove Asian citrus psyllids and will continue to be monitored for pest presence as well as symptoms of the plant…
Citrus Industry This Week: Land Prices and Trends; Steam Thermotherapy
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes details on citrus land values throughout Florida and an update on steam use in the grove for treating HLB. Want to learn…
Process for New Psyllid Tools Too Long
The fight against the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) has stressed the need to get new products out into groves for use and citrus leaders say that isn’t happening fast enough….
Treatments ‘Buying Time’ for Psyllid Research
Researchers say that area-wide treatments for Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) are just meant to buy time for research studies to come up with a solution for huanglongbing disease. ‘Buying Time’…
Citrus Frustrated with Bee-Friendly Restrictions
…it hard to balance bee-friendly activities and necessary crop protections in their groves. Nelson says the increase in restrictions will hurt them in the fight against the Asian citrus psyllid….
Citrus Industry This Week: HLB Research Updates; Crop Forecast Today
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes reports from the Citrus Growers’ Institute and information on how to hear the live citrus forecast today. Want to learn…
USDA Citrus Crop Forecast Has California All Oranges at 50 Million Boxes
Mark Hudson, USDA/NASS Washington, D.C., reported the April citrus crop forecast and gives California all oranges at 50 million boxes and grapefruit at 3.8 million boxes. Citrus Crop Forecast USDA…
Petal Fall Districts for Fresno County
…District 1 and District 2.Commissioner Wright urges beekeepers in the County to move their bees which will allow the citrus growers to apply the necessary pesticides to protect their citrus…