Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes different projections for Florida citrus production a decade from now as well as details on a micro-nutrient overdose study for HLB-infected trees….
Asian Citrus Psyllids Detected in Kern County
…Los Angeles County. “The Asian citrus psyllid is a dangerous pest of citrus,” said Ruben Arroyo, Kern County Agricultural Commissioner. “We’re working to determine the full extent of this incident…
Nufarm at 2015 CAPCA Conference
…fungicides and plant growth regulators that can be used in a variety of markets nationwide. Our products are available through most agricultural retailers. Brian Rund on Citrus Pests and Diseases…
Grower Reactions to Crop Forecast; New Plantings Advice
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes grower reactions to the 2015-2016 Florida citrus crop forecast and tips from Michael Rogers of the University of Florida on…
Opinion: You Know You’re At a California Fair When…
…in one place, some just miles from where they were grown. Grapes, walnuts, citrus, wheat, gourds, apples…the list is many. According to the Encyclopedia of Chicago, “The American county fair…
USDA Citrus Crop Forecast has California Oranges at 52.5 Million Boxes
USDA released the highly anticipated citrus crop numbers today and has California all oranges at 52.5 million boxes with grapefruit at 3.5 million boxes. The details of the annual crop…
Trans-Pacific Partnership is Positive for CA Citrus
…California citrus has long been disadvantaged relative to other exporters to Japan. The TPP agreement will help level the playing field. Most fresh citrus imported into the United States is…
Citrus Industry This Week: Crop Forecast Tomorrow; Favored Rootstocks
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes all the details you need to know about tomorrow’s citrus crop forecast events as well as reports on grower concerns…
New USDA Fact Sheets Illustrate State-by-State Benefits of TPP
…and processed fruits, including citrus. Vegetables Malaysia and Vietnam will immediately eliminate all tariffs, and Japan nearly all tariffs, on fresh and processed vegetables. All three countries will eliminate tariffs…
Citrus Industry This Week: Citrus Scam; HLB Research Update; Water Quality and Roots
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes news of a major citrus theft, an update on Citrus Research and Development Foundation efforts as well as reports on…
Agri View: HLB Time is Limited
Vein yellowing in a greening-infected leaf (top); normal leaf on bottom Everett Griner talks about solving citrus greening in today’s Agri View. HLB Time is Limited Photo courtesy of USDA/APHIS….
New Steamer Helping Fight HLB
The University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center’s new citrus tree steamer was on hand at last month’s 2015 Citrus Expo in Florida. Steaming technology is being tested as…
Fresno County Detects A Single Male Peach Fruit Fly
…feeds on the insides of fruits and vegetables such as: • Peaches and other soft stone fruit • Citrus • Tomatoes • Cucumbers • Eggplant A single fly does not…
Citrus Industry This Week: Federal Promotion Program; Acreage Decline
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes news from the Florida Citrus Commission, a grower’s view on declining acreage and training opportunities for farm labor supervisors. Want to learn…