Drought Beer

DanDrought, Features, This Land of Ours

…high in other flavor compounds that contribute unique characteristics (citrus, herbal, floral) to each beer. The majority of these flavorful varieties have been developed specifically for the Yakima climate, with…

Salt Out of Our Diet

DanFeatures, General, This Land of Ours

…— more than double the daily recommended limit,” adds Edward J. Roccella, Ph.D., of the National Heart,Lung, and Blood Institute. Asian food is a big offender, thanks to MSG (a…

Water Management Is Key

DanCitrus, Water

Water Management Is Key for California Citrus Growers Oswalt Citrus Extension agents Chris Oswalt and Steve Futch recently traveled to California with a group of Florida citrus growers. Their goal…

Citrus Greening Grants Awarded

DanCitrus, Industry News Release

…quarantine due to the detected presence of the Asian citrus psyllid, a vector for HLB. Those states include Alabama, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Northern…