…and that would help develop and maintain a comprehensive, cohesive, and efficient clean plant network. Historically, NCPN funded specialty crops have focused on grapes, fruit trees, citrus, hops, berries, roses,…
Two More Trees Identified HLB-Positive
The Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program says two additional trees have tested HLB-positive in Southern California. The trees were not in close proximity to each other; however, both are…
U.S. Orange Juice Production Declining
…citrus canker and citrus greening, as well as pressures from urbanization in parts of Florida. Meanwhile, exports of juice have remained fairly constant over time, while imports have increased in…
Pacific Region Fruit & Nut Review
California non-citrus fruits and nuts: In Madera County, apricots and pluots were harvested. Orchards continued to be mowed and/or sprayed for weeds. In Fresno County, growers reported continued mitigating practices…
California Citrus Acreage
…to provide annual citrus acreage with information on new plantings and removals. It is a continuation of a long series of industry-funded citrus acreage surveys. Users are cautioned that this…
5th Annual Kids’ “State Dinner”
…American Samoa: Breadfruit, Taro, and Garlic Chicken Trio, by Chef Amelie, Age 9 Arizona: Scarlet’s Southwest Barack-A-Bowl, by Chef Scarlet, Age 10 Arkansas: Asian in Arkansas, by Chef Lily, Age…
California Citrus Challenges: Water Tops HLB
By: Ernie Neff While the situation has improved this year, lack of available water led to the removal of 25,000 to 30,000 acres of California citrus last year. Asian citrus…
Greenhouse Opens, Aids ACP Fight
…the research and rearing of the Tamarixia radiata wasp, a natural parasite of the Asian citrus psyllid, and advance efforts to lower populations of the psyllid through biological control. Cal…
GOP Platform Touches on Ag Issues
…decisions” should not be rushed. (The 2012 GOP platform said a Republican president should finish the trade talks begun in 2008 “to open rapidly developing Asian markets to U.S. products.”)…
Shade Plants
…(to enjoy in your shade garden, of course): peppermint, chocolate mint, apple mint, ginger mint, and many others. Lemon balm, a closely related and shade-tolerant species adds citrus notes to…
New Greenhouse Aids ACP Control
…of the Tamarixia radiata wasp, a natural parasite of the Asian citrus psyllid. While biological control is not a silver bullet, it helps lower populations of the Asian citrus psyllid,…
Apps for Ag Hackathon Prizes Awarded
…share $4,500. Third place went to ACP STAR System, a geo and temporal database and platform for tracking Asian citrus psyllid and other invasive pests. Team members Mark Takata and…
Avocado Growers Face Obstacles but Harvest More Fruit
…many growers because of its size, according to Ventura County avocado and citrus grower Leslie Leavens. “The crop this year is way bigger than the one last year, thankfully,” Leavens…
Asian Citrus Psyllid Quarantines
Quarantines are now in place in both Merced and Monterey Counties due to recent Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) detections. One ACP was detected near the City of Merced in Merced…