Rim Fire Continues to Burn

Taylor HillmanCattle, Dairy & Livestock, Forage Crops, General, Poultry, Specialty Crops

The Rim fire continues to burn in the Sierra Nevada, consuming homes along with ag land. Sabrina Hill has more.
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The fire has destroyed acres of timber, and pastures and rangeland for livestock herds, as well as many animals. On the federal level, wildfires and wildfire prevention is managed in part by the United States Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says there needs to be some revamping of how wildfires are assessed and managed.

If you’re interested in helping out the ranchers and livestock displaced by the fire, you can donate hay and other items.
Tuolumne County Farm Bureau is working to collect and distribute hay.
To contact the Tuolumne County Farm Bureau, call (209) 984-5922 or email tcfarmbureau@mlode.com.