Preventing Navel Orangeworm in Almonds

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Almond growers should take steps now to prevent a big problem with Navel Orangeworm this year. Sabrina Hill talks with UC Nut Advisor Dr. Gurreet Brar.
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Almond growers are invited to a symposium tomorrow at the Kerman Community Center in Fresno County. They’ll hear experts talk on a number of subjects, including what they should do now – about Navel Orangworm. And Dr. Gurreet Brar with the UC Cooperative Extension says it’s important to stay on top of the problem this year.

He said the early heat will make control even more difficult this year, and growers should be spraying during these few weeks to control bigger infestations later in the season.

Click here for more on the almond symposium.