ICFA Lobby for Practical Cannabis Growing Guidelines

Brian GermanLegislative, Regulation

Members of the International Cannabis Farmers Association (ICFA) met with lawmakers and regulators in Sacramento to lobby on behalf of sun-grown cannabis farmers.


Closeup shot of the green Cannabis plant.


The visit comes at a crucial time during the process of establishing the legislative framework for adult-use of marijuana in California in the coming year.  The ICFA is urging lawmakers to consider the implications of requiring plants to be grown indoors or using all-season greenhouses.  The association is requesting a more functional definition of ‘outdoor’ to allow growers to use light deprivation techniques.

Some of the key points made by the group centered on the co-mingling of ‘harvest batches’ and how cultivation areas will be regulated.  ICFA argues that the current regulations are more inhibiting than beneficial. ICFA is also advocating for less stringent guidelines for when farmers would be required to surrender their license so that growers would be permitted to operate seasonally.  The organization is comprised of farmers, scientists and other stakeholders who support the cultivation of sun-grown cannabis using the best agricultural practices.