UC Studies Outline Costs of Tomato Irrigation Systems

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…costs. These two studies –“Sample Costs to Produce Processing Tomatoes, Sub-Surface Drip Irrigated (SDI) in the Sacramento Valley & Northern Delta – 2014” and “Sample Costs to Produce Processing Tomatoes,…

Raising Bison Easier Than Perceived

Taylor HillmanCattle

Although still a niche product and market, bison meat is a growing protein source. The industry for buffalo is doing well, and experts say it’s a viable option around the…

Growing Demand for Niche Meat

Taylor HillmanCattle

Demand for bison as a choice for protein is growing. Growing Demand for Niche Meat At the 2014 National Association of Farm Broadcasters Annual Convention, Dick Gehring with Black Kettle…