Agri View: Egg Prices

DanAgri View, Poultry

…by seasonal demand. However, the upswing in 2015 was primarily due to the HPAI outbreak, which decreased the table-egg-laying flocks in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest by 11 percent (33…

National Beer Day

DanGeneral, This Land of Ours

…Beer Celebrate America’s Holidays the way the men who started them did: with a glass of beer. It is widely known that the framers of American Independence were men of…

Record Growth in U.S. Organic Producers

Taylor HillmanIndustry News Release

…around the world. “Organic food is one of the fasting growing segments of American agriculture,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “As consumer demand for organic products continues to grow, the…

DWR April Snowpack Totals Report

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water, Weather

…greater the snowpack water content, the greater the likelihood California’s reservoirs will receive ample runoff as the snowpack melts to meet the state’s water demand in the summer and fall….